SPEEDSTOP - for Ford Transit 2017-19 GK3T GK2T Plug and Play KM freezer
Product Information For Ford Transit 2017-19 GK3T with 12pin instrument cluster connector cars testing. While car "drive test" is possible to stop (freeze) odometer counting.
How to install: Plug and Play device with easiest connection way possible, no soldering is required in the installation process. Remove instrument cluster. Disconnect cluster black connector . SPEEDSTOP male connector connect to car cluster connector - check twice connectors orientation - on SPEEDSTOP connectors is arrow sign - look picture. Use additional cable ties for fixing connectors.
Speed indicator works when SPEEDSTOP is activated, odometer is freezed.
Using SPEEDSTOP on Ford: (hazard indicator on speedometer blinks every time when working mode are changed):
After Ignition OFF/ON SPEEDSTOP keeps selected working mode. If you remove SPEEDSTOP adapter after test drive, odometer not changing.
Price: €190.00 (without VAT)