S2.4 - CarProg Motorola (Freescale) 912 and 9S12 MPU programmer
Product Information
CarProg Motorola and Freescale 912 and 9S12 series MPU internal EEPROM programmer. Supported MCUs: 912B32 (1H91F, 0J38M) 912B32 (3H91F) 912B32 (4J54E) 912B32 (9H91F) 912D60 (0K13J) 912D60 (0K75F) 912D60 (4F73K) 912DB128 (0L85D) 912DC128 (0K50E) 912DG128 (3K91D) 912DG128 (5H55W) 9S12H128 (1K78X) 9S12DB128 (0L85D) 9S12DG128 (1L59W) 9S12DG256B (1K79X) 9S12XDP512 (0L15Y) 9S12D64 (2L86D) 9S12DT128 (3L40K)
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hc12 and what is the password thanks